Who we are

Somali Community Development organisasjon.


Somali Community Development Organisasjon is Somalia NGO. It is geographical coverage is the area known Mudg Region, particularly the lower Mudug of Hobyo area and it is satelites. The region occpies 63, 100 km2 consisting of 5 districts -gakayo, Hobyo, Harardere, Galdogab, and Jariiban also 72 villages see the map. The annual rainfall of the area is beween 170med mer 210med mer which is the second lowest rainfall of the 18 regions in Somalia. The statistical estimate of livestock in the region is about 6,305, 350 heads, which is in other words more than 1 out of 9 or 14 percent of the total livestock (45 milion ) in Somalia are in the region.


Therefore, considering the precarious conditions of the Mudug people and long term future of Somalia, considering the need of the future well being and political stability of the region and country as a whole, considering that the major countries of the international community overwhelmingly concerned in the economic and the political stability of the Horn of Africa, cocidering that Somalia has a natural and Agricutural resources requiring articulate and meningful husbandry, it is herby established on 19th August 2002, ( Somalia ) and deemed to be estabished here in Norway and elsewhere, a body to be known and refrred to as Somalia Community Development Organisasjon,


The aims of the SCDO shall include among the following.

To research and to seek lasting solution to the future development of the region in particular and the repuplic of Somalia general.

To bring toggether the various groups of persons competing of the control of the limited resources.

To plan training schemes aimed for short administrative and technical skills.

To seek to liase between all the people of Somalia and donors countruies and humanitarian organisations where appropriate.

To study various aspects of maters in relation to lasting economic revival and sustainability.

To study ways anad means of the reconstruction towns and cities destroyed as result of the civil war in the country.

Objectives. ,
To act as a form for the re – invigoration and particularly the Mudug region.
To help to re – activate the economic and sosial life among all the sections of the somali people in the area.
To act as a contact or agency through which all somalians of all tribes or sections of the society.
to act as an agency and channel for international organisation, expertise and expatriates that involved the development and reconstraction of Somalia.
To render all other services asa many become necessry for the improvement of the quality life of the somali people and particularly at the region level of the local community.
to help increase the availability and widen the distribution of human basic needs such as food, shelter and health.
Membership of the of the somali community Development organisation shall intially be aimed at and open specially to the categories of persons and organisations.
« Sosial work Agencies
Voluntary organisations
Companies and Agencies operate in Somalia
international Institutions and Non Governmental Organisations.
Se the followin page which shaws the names of the diffrent villages and what kaind of help they seek.